Sony has had a hardline stance on crossplay through the past two generations, but it seems not even Sony can stand against Fortnite’s popularity.

As of today – meaning literally right now – you can hop onto Fortnite on your PlayStation 4 and play against other players on PC, mobile, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.

This will hopefully be the first of many games allowing crossplay on Sony’s platforms. In the PlayStation Blog post announcing and detailing the opening of the server gates, Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO, John Kodera, stated this is the start of a “major policy change for SIE”. He also said that the company will announce more details about the future of crossplay on Sony platforms and how the feature will roll out.

Whether you play Fortnite or not, this is an exciting announcement as it may mean that many of us blocked from playing certain games with our friends just because we have different platforms will finally be able to stop lamenting over buying the game on the “wrong” platform.

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more on Sony’s new cross-play initiative.