The protesting was kept Friday at a police district in the capital of San Juan, police delegate Edward Ramírez told The Related Press on Saturday. Information including who recorded the complaint and nuances of the cases are not public, given the possibility of the protest.

A person who was not supported to discuss the case certified that Martin’s nephew, Dennis Yadiel Sánchez Martin, recorded the complaint. The individual said the protest doesn’t thusly set off catch considering the way that the alleged event isn’t later, adding that police will investigate and choose if charges are legitimate.

In a declaration provided for Individuals, Martin’s legal counselor, José Andréu-Fuentes, said: “These cases are amazingly unfriendly and absolutely untethered from this present reality. Right when this man as of late made tantamount charges, his genuine case should be taken out — not least since he actually surrendered subsequent to committing to come clean that Ricky Martin had never gone after him in any way.

“Yet again as of now, resulting to being sued for endeavoring to coerce Mr. Martin, he is attempting to spread his misrepresentations,” Andréu-Fuentes continued. “It is previous time that the media stops giving this significantly lamented individual the oxygen of openness and grants him to get the help he so clearly needs.”

Sánchez as of late referenced a controlling solicitation against Martin in July, nonetheless, an adjudicator later documented the case after Sánchez surrendered in the wake of vowing to come clean that he had never been genuinely gone after by the entertainer.

Flavia Fernández, a delegate for Martin, let the AP in on that his legitimate gathering is evaluating what is happening and not giving public remarks for the present.

On Thursday, the expert’s legal counselors recorded a case against his nephew, whom they portrayed as “tormented.” They faulted him for shakedown, poisonous persecution, abuse of guideline, and mischief.

They said Sánchez’s cases cost Martin somewhere near $10 million worth of dropped arrangements and adventures, notwithstanding one more $20 million in corrective charges to his standing.

The case communicates that Sánchez would send up to 10 messages consistently to Martin, the bigger part “pointless rants with no great explanation.” It also faults him for dispersing Martin’s classified number, compelling him to change it.


Ricky Martin (@ricky_martin)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi

Besides, the case said Sánchez deceptively ensured he had a nearby association with Martin for a significant time span and that the entertainer didn’t completely accept that it ought to end and would call Sánchez with repeat.

“Nothing further from the real world,” the case communicated.

Attorneys similarly saw that a named authority as of late gave Sánchez two restricting solicitations in a superfluous following case.