As the happy season allures and music craftsmen put forth wild eyed attempts to push out melodies that would set them in prime situation for year’s end gigs and commitment, Puncho who is currently endorsed under Lanre Records said his new tune won’t just engage music audience members yet additionally give them the cool inclination.

Talking about what his fans ought to anticipate from him as he continues on, he demanded that music should keep on freeing individuals and not delude them, adding that “great music ought to address the hearts of its audience members and rouse them to turn out to be better at anything they decide to do instead of impacting them into settling on off-base decisions or becoming society threat.”

— Vanguard Newspapers (@vanguardngrnews) October 30, 2022

While Puncho began his diversion process as a youth artist, he has forever been entranced by all that music addresses in the existences of individuals, adding that he began figuring out how to sing by focusing on music melodies, and tunes from various sorts as he began composing melodies when he was still in optional school.