As indicated by the report by General SVR, a Russian Telegram station, Putin’s limousine was purportedly hit by a “an uproarious bang from the left front wheel followed by weighty smoke”, however he was safe as the vehicle headed to somewhere safe and secure, detailed.

The channel said that the President was getting back to his authority home in an imitation or “reinforcement” motorcade in the midst of profound security fears.

The motorcade contained five protected vehicles, with Putin in the third, it said, without referencing the date of the occurrence.

The Russian chief’s vehicle “regardless of the issues with control” advanced out of the assault scene to arrive at the wellbeing of the home, the channel added.

Without giving subtleties, General SVR said more data on the alleged assault were “arranged”, reports

“The top of the President’s protector (administration) and a few others have been suspended and are in care,” the channel additionally guaranteed.

“A tight circle of individuals had some awareness of the development of the president in this cortege, and every one of them were from the official security administration.


The limousine attack could have been an assassination attempt on Putin, according to an unconfirmed claim, after a loud bang struck the left wheel of the car.#BreakingNews #Putin

— loveworld (@LoveWorld_Peopl) September 14, 2022

“After the episode, three of them vanished. These were the very individuals who were in the main vehicle of the motorcade.

“Their destiny is as of now obscure. The vehicle on which they were voyaging was tracked down void a couple of kilometers from the occurrence,” General SVR added.