When you sign up on website and pledge to play and help the kids, you automatically receive your own fundraising website, which mine is shown in a picture below. You have the option of joining for free which just allows you to go out and raise money, or you have the option of upgrading to the Platinum Extra Lifer title in which you would donate $15.00 of your own money and have the ability to earn select power ups like exclusive fundraising medals and t-shirts!

But just joining up and participating in the movement is just part of the fun. Recently I reached out to my local hospital – Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo – and got into contact with a local Guild President for the program. Yes, there are guilds! And nicely enough, this gentleman answered a few questions for me about how guilds work, how you can join them, and what Extra Life means to him. Take a look.

PapaSisler: Who are you and how are affiliated with Extra Life?

PS: What is an Extra Life Guild?

PS: Can people join it and participate somehow?

PS: How long have you been part of the Extra Life Program at Woman and Childrens Hospital of Buffalo?

PS: What does Extra Life Campaign mean to you personally?

PS: As someone who is “all hands on deck” with the program, how do you see the money being raised used at the hospital?

PS: Do you have any personal touching stores that deal with Extra Life, the guild, and/or the children at the hospital?

PS: Any words of advice for those who are raising money and participating in this movement, and/or words of hope to bring in more support?

Lisa told the mom, “Because of people like Bubba here, we can afford to buy these games for the boys to play.” This caught me off guard. The mother looked at me and said, “Thank you.” “Oh, it’s not a problem,” I whispered, holding back my tears, “I’m happy to do it.”

I’ll never forget the look in that womans eyes. That even a little something like a Wii U Mario Kart game could bring a sense of familiarity and calm to the sick child is all I needed. I’ll always do everything I can for Extra Life and Buffalo’s Children.

I’d like to once again thank Bubba Landes for taking the time to answer my questions.

Well, there you have it. These words came directly from a president of the local Extra Life Guild. His story with Mario Kart Wii U put me to tears after I placed myself in his shoes. If you have not joined up in the movement of Extra Life, I encourage you to do so using the link at the top of this article. If you want to know how this all started, please see the attached video below.

Thank you to all gamers who have already been participating, for those who will be joining, and those who have supported their fellow local gamers. This would not be possible without you!