In addition to the quantum ripples and narrative objects found in the previous section of the game, Act 2 throws in Chronon sources (which let you upgrade your abilities) and intel objects, along with a couple of achievements along the way.

Don’t forget you can get specifics on how many collectibles are in a segment of the game by pulling up the timeline, which will let you quickly determine what you are missing.

Missing anything from the other parts of the game? Check out our:

Act I Collectibles Guide Act III Collectibles Guide Acts IV and V Collectibles Guide

Quantum Break Act 2 – 1 (Industrial Area) Collectibles

Chronon Source 1

Near the start of the level, when you see two people pointing guns at each other by a van, turn around and run towards the back to find the first Chronon source floating above the two cylinders. Use it to upgrade a power and unlock the “Chronon Surge” achievement.

Chronon Source 1

Chronon Source 2

Not long after the first Chronon source, this one is found floating above a crate near some foliage on the ground.

Chronon Source 2

Narrative Object 1: Monarch’s PR Strategy Poster (Document)

In the room with the barrels and the monitor screens, check the fuzzy green board to unlock this collectible.

Narrative 1

Ripple 1 / Narrative Object 2: Monarch PR Plan (Email)

To the right of the PR strategy poster is a laptop, which unlocks both the ripple and the narrative object when you read the email.

Ripple 1 / Narrative 2

Narrative Object 3: Ground Zero Map (Document)

Turn around from where you unlocked the ripple and look at the map on the wall to unlock this narrative object.

Narrative 3

Chronon Source 3

Use the elevator to head up to the second floor (the open area without much railing) and you’ll find this Chronon source in the corner near a lamp and some yellow railing.

Chronon Source 3

Intel 1: Eye Drop Bottle

When you reach a room where either Amy or the cab driver is standing (depending on which option you took in the Act 1 Junction segment), grab the eye drop bottle, which is the first “intel” collectible.

Assuming you grabbed either the previous Quantum ripple in this Act or the two located in Act 1, the “Knowledge Is Power” achievement will unlock as soon as you grab the intel.

Intel 1

Narrative Object 4: Ground Zero Operation (Email)

In the same room, turn around and head over to the table up against the window. Access the laptop to read this email.

Narrative 4

Chronon Source 4

When you leave the previous room, climb up the crate onto the deck with the yellow tarp and then go up the wood ramp. Turn left and jump up on the hanging wood segment. The source is floating in the air at the far left end.

Chronon Source 4

Chronon Source 5

Turn around and run to the opposite end of the segment. Jump across to the rail car and then leap across again to the brick building with the stacked crates. Drop down through the whole in the ceiling to find Chronon source #5.

Chronon Source 5

Chronon Source 6

Back up on the train cars, jump across the car that has a protruding board to the long string of rail cars. Leap across to the yellow car with a board ramp and then hop up onto the wood section covered in grafiti.

Run down the hallway and jump out the far window onto another rail car. Turn right onto the sheet metal roofing and then jump down past the fence into a small courtyard area with a bicycle. The source is floating in the middle by a table.

Chronon Source 6

Narrative Object 5: Internal Monarch Comms 1 (Audio File)

In the room with the white walls and black crates where you bring in your sidekick, run over to the table on the far wall (beneath the screen on the wall). Turn on the radio to get this collectible.

Narrative 5

Narrative Object 6: Changing Video File

Turn around and look at the computer screen your sidekick has turned on and watch the video to get this collectible – what is shown on the video will change depending on which option you chose in the Act 1 Junction segment and who is still alive.

Narrative 6

Narrative Object 7: RE Jack Joyce (Email)

To the right of the computer (the left side of the room when you first come in the door) is a laptop sitting on a crate. Read the email to get this collectible.

Narrative 7

Chronon Source 7

In an alleyway between the warehouse buildings is a locked door marked by large yellow graffiti blob creature spray painted on the wall. Jump up the trash can nearby to get on the roof. The source is floating just above where you jump up.

Chronon Source 7

Narrative Object 8: Internal Monarch Comms 2 (Audio File)

On the second floor area where you open the chain link fence to access a room filled with computer monitors, turn on the radio sitting on the left side of the room.

Narrative 8

Narrative Object 9: Monarch Concerns (Email)

Directly to the right of the previous audio file collectible, access the laptop on the desk to read this email.

Narrative 9 

Quantum Break Act 2 – 2 (Ground Zero) Collectibles

Narrative Object 1: Sofia Amaral’s Chronon Presentation (Video File)

At the start of the area, go examine the television on the left (just above a desk) to view the video presentation.

Narrative 1

Narrative Object 2: Chronon Tech Phase 2 Milestones (Email)

After running down the ramp into the lower level with the robot structure, access the laptop on the table (next to the two yellow objects) to get this email.

Narrative 2

Chronon Source 1

Shortly after the previous narrative object you will end up on the second floor. Go down the yellow and black stairs to a small room covered in graffiti with a chain fence on the side to find this Chronon source.

Chronon 1

Chronon Source 2

In the next area with wooden crates on the left and sheet metal on the right, don’t go down where you are supposed to in order to access the next fight. Instead, head the other direction and look for a hole in the floor to drop down into. The source is on the floor in this room by the empty shelves.

Chronon 2

Chronon Source 3

When you get outside and see a white and yellow trailer, don’t go inside yet and instead run across the park lot to the yellow radio tower. The source is floating at the top.

Chronon 3

Narrative Object 3: Trailer Note (Document)

Right by the trailer and across from the previous Chronon source, grab this note sitting on the hood of the Monarch car.

Narrative 3

Narrative Object 4: Theresa Sedmak Riverport Radio Show (Audio File)

At the exact same location as the previous object, just go to the door of the Monarch car and turn on the radio to hear this audio file.

Narrative 4

Narrative Object 5: My Screenplay! (Email)

Inside the trailer, this email collectible is found to the right of the door on a silver laptop.

Narrative 5

Narrative Object 6: Next Steps (Email)

In the corner of the same trailer where you found the previous email, look for another silver laptop on a desk beneath a white board.

Narrative 6

Chronon Source 4

After the trailer you can run inside a garage with a broken down boat. Run into the corner of the garage behind the large yellow tank to find this source.

Chronon 4

Narrative Object 7

Inside the tent with the “Ground Zero” signs in various places, this collectible is found by examining the red sign in a corner next to a rack of coats.

Narrative 7

Quantum Ripple 1

In the warehouse segment after the tents, head through a blue door across from a staircase. Activate the sign with the T-Rex that says “Rexes” to activate the ripple.

Ripple 1

Narrative Object 8: Trespasser Alert (Email)

On the upper level of the warehouse you will run through a door with a dinosaur painted on the wall. Walk through the fenced area to get this email on the laptop.

Narrative 8

Intel 1: Sudden Stop

In the room with the MRI machine and two soldiers, look at the book on the black patient operating table to grab this intel, which is another of the game’s many Alan Wake easter eggs.

Intel 1

Narrative Object 9: Dr. Kim’s Lab And Serene’s Treatment (Email)

Near the previous intel, look for a television on a counter on the other side of the room to grab this email.

Narrative 9

Narrative Object 10: RE Jack (Email)

Again in the same room as the previous two collectibles, this one is directly across from the Sudden Stop intel. Read the email by interacting with the tablet sitting on the shelf.

Narrative 10

Chronon Source 5

Before you leave the area by heading through the silver doors with the orange stripes, instead go back through the shattered area with the debris on the ground and follow the line of white and yellow wall/fence segments. The source is floating in front of the wall with the elephant painting.

Chronon 5

Narrative Object 11: RE Liam Burke’s Status (Email)

Inside the tent across from the silver door, look for a laptop on top of a white box to grab this email.

Narrative 11

Chronon Source 6

When you reach the area with the ship and the yellow crane, head over to the left by the truck and the barrels to find this Chronon source.

Chronon 6

Narrative Object 12: Liam Burke Psych Evaluation (Email)

In the same area as the previous Chronon source, look for a couple of port-a-potties next to a van. The email is found in the back of the van.

Narrative 12

Narrative Object 13: Amy Ferrero (Email)

Near the line of vans is another tent. Head inside and you will find this email sitting on a bench on the left side by a rack of suits.

Narrative 13

Chronon Source 7

At the end of the tent where you found the previous email, look behind the white shelf (on the opposite side of the rack of suits) to grab this source.

Chronon 7

Quantum Break Act 2 – 3 (Bradbury Swimming Pool) Collectibles

Chronon Source 1

In the area with the painting of the 12 sided die on the wall, jump across the wood railing along that wall onto the ledge on the other side and then climb up the broken brick segment. The source is floating above the floor by the empty bookcase.

Chronon 1

Chronon Source 2

Climb up the shelving opposite where you just grabbed the Chronon source and head up to the roof. Run around to the opposite side of the building and look for the segment of wall with “Awe” written in graffiti.

Chronon 2

Narrative Object 1: Schrodinger Diary (Audio File)

Inside the building with the objects covered in tarps and the cluttered shelves, look for a wood shelf next to a couch. Interact with the tape recorder to get this object.

Narrative 1

Narrative Object 2: Riverport Discreet Moving Services Bill (Document)

Directly next to the tape recorder is an open file. Look at the file to pick up this document.

Narrative 2

Narrative Object 3: Bradbury Swimming Pool Deed (Document)

Further to the right of the last document, this collectible is found at the far end of the wood shelf.

Narrative 3

Narrative Object 4

In the diner area, look for a radio on the on the end of the counter across from the vending machine.

Narrative 4

Chronon Source 3

Go through the large open door in the diner area to find a room with a table and a large metal ventilation hood. The source is right next to the vent.

Chronon 3

Chronon Source 4

Later when another character needs your help to open a door, go down the nearby hallway first and head into the room labeled “Employees Only.” The source is next to a ladder and a bundle of cables.

Chronon 4

Narrative Object 5: Time Machine Room Map (Image)

In the pool area, head up the wood deck and look at the diagram on the blackboard.

Narrative 5

Narrative Object 6: Physicist On The Rise (Document)

Directly next to the time machine room map is a newspaper on the desk. Pick it up to read this collectible document.

Narrative 6

Narrative Object 7: Where Are You? (Email)

On the other side of the pool room (near the entrance) is an old CRT style monitor on a desk up against the wall. Interact with it to read this email.

Narrative 7 

Narrative Object 8: Countermeasure Schematics (Document)

Directly to the left of the computer that had the previous email, interact with the diagram on the white board.

Narrative 8

Narrative Object 9: Time Machine Schematics (Document)

Across from the countermeasure schematics board is another set of boards with diagrams containing the time machine schematics.

Narrative 9

Narrative Object 10: Parents Killed In Riverport Car Crash (Document)

Go down the hallway just to the right of the time machine schematics (and to the left of the countermeasure schematics) and grab this document sitting on the wood desk.

Narrative 10

Chronon Source 5

Right by the previous collectible, this source is just beyond the desk, sitting next to some cables and pipes.

Chronon 5

Narrative Object 11: A Civilian’s Guide To Time Travel

In the upper area of the pool room by the bleachers, look for another wood desk with an old CRT monitor in the corner to grab this collectible.

Narrative 11

Quantum Break Act 2 Junction Collectibles

Narrative Object 1: What Happened To Dr. Henry Kim (Email)

The only collectible in this junction is found by turning around and accessing the computer in the corner of the room before you make your branching path choice.

Narrative 1

That’s every last collectible in Quantum Break’s second act - let us know if the story choices you went with led to different collectibles (or if they were in different locations)!