The late English ruler will be conveyed in March by the State Weapon Carriage of the Magnificent Maritime power to Wellington Bend at Hyde Park Corner.

Her Excellency’s last motorcade will be followed by Master Charles III nearby people from the magnificent family.

The coffin will then, at that point, be set in a State Memorial service cart and will go out to Windsor for the 4pm Committal organization at St George’s Place of supplication.

Britain’s longest serving ruler will be covered close to her soul mate, Duke of Edinburgh, at St. Georges Asylum at Windsor Castle.

1926 – 2022

— Elizabeth II News & Updates (@Platinum2022) September 19, 2022

Sovereign Elizabeth II died on September 8 at her Balmoral home in Scotland. Buckingham Palace detailed her destruction at long term The late English ruler will be conveyed in Parade by the State Weapon Carriage of the Illustrious Naval force to Wellington Curve at Hyde Park Corner