Spiritualist medium Jasmine Rose Anderson claims she had reached the Sovereign’s spirit to comprehend Her Greatness left this world content with the data that Charles will manage the special position.


She told: “The status quo the sovereign feels a little unsure about Charles taking the special position. She feels it’s most protected in his grip anyway knows at last it will become Williams. She should see Charles rule for essentially the accompanying 15 years.

Sovereign acknowledges elevated place is in most secure hands with Charles, needs 15-year Authority: Visionary

Discussing her own point of view, Ms Anderson said: “Unfortunately, I don’t see this being what is happening. I feel Charles will leave to William. I see the number three and five related with this.

“It might be only three weeks. It could mean the third month or the third of the month or as many as five years.”

She added: “Time is a man-made thought so it’s hard to see exactly when this will be in light of the fact that right presently I’m seeing a couple of courses of occasions open for this and it depends upon the accompanying moves being started – like a butterfly influence.

“The status quo the crown may be Harry’s inside the accompanying eight years.

— The Prince and Princess of Wales (@KensingtonRoyal) September 19, 2022

“Watch this work out in light of the fact that there will be huge changes in the UK and as an overall population by and large including a money related mishap before the year’s finished,” they created.