Pushkar says I’ll drop you each to the transport stop, come. Arjun says I received’t let Rajjo go on this state. Mannu sees the blood marks on Rajjo’s pieces of clothing and dread. Madhu apologizes to Jhilmil. He says its not my resentment, but stress, its not anywhere close to Arjun, but this family’s regard, I’ve to contemplate everyone, even of Urvashi, Arjun is deception to everyone and never esteeming Urvashi since Rajjo arrived, expect what will happen assuming this data goes out. She says I m anxious that our family will lose the regard. Jhilmil says you may be appropriate. Madhu says Rajjo and Arjun are deficient with regards to, what’s occurring. Rajjo will get swooning. Mannu embraces her. Arjun chides Rajjo. He says we’ll go to doctor.


Pushkar says its alright, I’ll take her, it’s somewhat harm. Arjun says no, it’s anything but a joke, we’ll go house, I can’t endure that her life falls in danger, come house. Rajjo says no. He asks her to come just. Pushkar will get angry.

Kalindi says Arjun went out, once more, he has returned, not the only one, he procured your adversary close by. Madhu and Jhilmil take a brief trip and see Rajjo and Mannu. Arjun deals with Rajjo. Madhu will get angry and goes. Mannu says you may be harm because of us, your friends and family is exasperated with you, they’re furthermore legitimate, we’ll leave tomorrow, you previously did a lot for us, with none connection, much obliged.

He asks her to just favor him, Rajjo will get magnificent. Rajjo says it happens what he says, he referenced we’ll find you, so we found you. Arjun grins. He goes to address Madhu. She is resentful. He offers her water and says we’ll examine tomorrow first thing. Urvashi and her mom have a visit.

She says I like Arjun a lot, he is a proficient individual, he’s superb for me, I don’t have to accomplish something that makes me away from him, I’ve longed for transforming into his life partner, I don’t have to lose him, so I remained silent, you don’t follow through with something. Her mom asks are you scared of that woman. Urvashi says no, I m unnerved by Arjun, he consistently helps people, I didn’t see him stressing for someone a great deal, I m apprehensive, how might I save my adoration and this connection’s future. Mannu embraces Rajjo and converses with her. Rajjo feels the hurt.

Mannu says it happened because of your working. Rajjo shows the decoration. Mannu cries. Rajjo says I’ve demonstrated this decoration, so we found you, I m happy you’ve gotten this award, you’ll have the option to illuminate me everytime you really want, working isn’t hazardous, we found each other.

Mannu says we’ll go to our town now. Rajjo says no, I don’t have to get back to the town. Urvashi includes Arjun. She says you take this for Rajjo, you may be turning out debilitating for the wellbeing of she, you in no way, shape or form did this for me. He says I m really grieved, conviction me, I’ll transport Rajjo when she will get great. She asks are you sure, you got her once more, I m uncertain. He says I can see how you’re feeling.

She asks him to feel her throb, as a matter of fact. She says I completed you, you didn’t notice to me. He says don’t move resolved that I walk away defenselessly, I used to be taking this juice for mum. Urvashi asks whose mum, I see, Rajjo’s distinguish is Manorama, you’ll have the option to name her aunt.

He goes. She says I need that woman recuperates and disappears rapidly. Mannu says we’ll go to town.

Rajjo says there received’t be a left thing for us there, I’ve seen the harmed boat. Yet again mannu says town will get set. Rajjo says we’ll keep in Lucknow and work here, I furthermore need to win a decoration, for example, you, we obtained Arjun and Pushkar here, they’ll help us, Arjun calls Pushkar a heavenly messenger. Mannu reprimands her. Rajjo says you answer me or start a pristine life.